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Taking Charge of Your Lifestyle
Core Resilience Is a Whole Lifestyle Coaching Paradigm where an Individualized Approach is taken and honor is give to each individual as a whole person. Understanding that the mind, body, spirit and emotions are interrelated and integral to a lifestyle of Wellness and Wellbeing.
In the midst of the everyday, hard work and complexity inherent is everyone's lives and where time appears limited, I want to Partner with you to discover and created a lifestyle that serves you.
I do not want to just show you the doors I want to help you to discover and open the doors meant for you.
Lets take a Look at some the the Components of a Lifestyle that Supports a Sense of Wellness and Wellbeing that leads to a Lifestyle that serves you
When we think about how our mind focuses on the things that we do and feel, We realize how much power it has over how we experience and live our lives.
Lets Explore areas and opportunities for Mindfulness, direction and focus.
Everything you put in and on your body becomes part of it.
Lets Make sure that you are giving your Wonderful Body what it needs to support your Lifestyle now and in the future.
Being Active can boost you mood, extend your life and help you do things that matter most to you.
Lets explore ways, within you your everyday, that you can add, enhance and or enjoy the power of Moving the Body.
When we think about how we live our lives, we often focus on the things that need to be done and and the things we are doing.
Lets Explore areas and opportunities for potential Rest, Relaxing, Slowing Down, Finding Ease and Taking Pause.
This is an often overlooked area in the Development of a Lifestyle of Wellness and Wellbeing.
Lets walk this path, explore, examine, inquire and consider your sense of Spirit and Soul.
I understand and respect the fact that Spirit and Soul is a Highly individualized experience. It is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, I do believe that it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves.
Developing Self, personally, allows you to live life more Fully and Lead to being Optimistic, Grateful, Social and Resilient. Allow me to Assist you in you walk to examine and research ways to build on you Unique Self.
There is an old Saying, "In the Shelter of Each other We Live".
Relationships matter and can greatly impact us and our sense of SELF.
Let take some time and and consider the questions:
How can I enhance connections with others within my Life?
How can I Make these connections Matter in My Lifestyle?
Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Surroundings are Important to your sense of Wellness and Wellbeing.
Lets Explore ways that your Environmental Awareness can bring about a sense of positivity for you.